I am ready for what is to come or not to come of my future. Today I am going for an informal interview for girls write now and I am anxious, nervous, but most of all, excited. It is difficult picking out an outfit and I still do not have one two hours before the interview, One reason because I do not know how to dress professional as bad as it sounds, and another reason being I do not know how to downgrade on the professional look without looking too casual. This is something we do not learn in school.

They say school is to prepare us for the future but we only learn the basics such as, math, English, science, and social studies. Most of which we do not even remember let alone use in the adult life. It is through extracurricular activities that we as students learn to communicate with others, leadership skills, and how to build a project based on an idea. It is through these activities that we discover who we are and who we want to be. Yet these same programs are the ones being eliminated due to budget cuts.

One thing I am sure of is that no matter what programs are being taken away writing will always be with me. I hope to get into Girls Write Now so that I can enhance my writing and someday become great like Stephenie Meyer, Dan Brown , Robert Frost, Shakespeare. I want to be remembered and known for work that many can relate to and believe in. I want to be me, a writer who will always be under construction, because a great writer is always thinking of new ideas and is never satisfied. Girls Write Now will help me reach out to the world.

2 thoughts on “

  1. stormy1812 says:

    you make such valid points! i do think that math, English and the such help with certain aspects of life outside academics but are definitely more pointed learning areas. the good news for you is that the internet is a much better tool for your group than it was for me so if you need some pointers on how to do what is called a business casual look you can get tips fairly easily now. you have wonderful goals and drive to get there so im sure you’ll reach your full potential. šŸ™‚


    • jamerly says:

      Yes lol, using the internet is exactly how I found out what to wear. Hopefully I do become all that I wish to become in the near future. And thank you so much for the support!


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